Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing 8

Facebook wasn't difficult to set up. I feel like I maybe the only person in the world without a page. After putting in my name, e-mail address, and age a list of potential friends appeared, two of whom I know. Okay, how do they do that? I didn't put in my e-mail address for finding friends. I told my husband he would be in big trouble if he didn't accept me as a friend. And the wise man did so immediately, even if I can't spell his band's name. I can see how it could be bad to have too much personal information on a page. I am interested in doing the next lesson to see more ways to use Facebook. From my husband's page I went to our church's music ministry page. It seems like a good way for members to keep in touch as well as encourage people to join. I am also curious so see the page of my daughter, the new librarian.

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